“So…hi, but who are you?”

Hello you, I'm Sophie. I’m an early 30s human who has lived in London for 8+ years but grew up in Athens. That Final Scene started on Instagram 6 years ago as my way of making sense of final scenes in films and TV shows (because ‘ending explained’ articles wouldn’t cut it), and somehow it resonated. 60,000 followers later, I'm here to dive deeper.

This newsletter is going to get personal. I'm not here to be a critic telling you what to think. But I have spent years working with the biggest entertainment studios to get 100+ marketing campaigns on the road. And yes, sure — watching a nonsensical amount of films and television.

Me in my “Promising Young Woman” costume for funsies.

“Ok, but what’s this newsletter about?”

At heart, with this newsletter, we’re going to get endlessly curious about how the stories we consume inform our worldview, our relationships, our culture and our inner worlds. And maybe, just maybe, how we can create better stories about ourselves – on screen and off.

Will there be occasional final scene breakdowns? Absolutely, there will be.

“Right. But why should I subscribe?”

I've spent years analyzing how stories shape our perception of the world (in and out of the entertainment industry). This newsletter is where I share those insights, connecting the dots between the scripts we watch and the lives we lead.

When you subscribe for free, you get my weekly essay drops and publication archives.

My essays sound a bit like this and get reactions like that:

“But why should I upgrade?”

You might be wondering why you should pay for my writing when ChatGPT can spit out a perfectly serviceable analysis of Succession's camera angles for $20 a month.

Fair question.

You and I both know what online film criticism looks like right now: it’s either overly academic dissertations about French New Wave (drink every time someone mentions Godard), or surface-level "content" churned out faster than Netflix cancels shows.

What I want us to do together instead is to explore how cinema actually lives in our cultural bloodstream. How it shapes the way we think, love, and yes, even cope with our lingering, collective, existential dread.

To be part of a community that believes every piece of cinema deserves thoughtful consideration (Danish cinema and Patrick Swayze's filmography absolutely deserve the same rigor and respect).

The sad news is, my newsletter runs parallel to my full-time job, which means every deep dive competes with sleep and whatever passes for a social life these days. I could be pitching Sight & Sound or Little White Lies – they pay better than my monthly or annual subscription for a fraction of the words. But I'd rather build something different with you:

The thoughtful cultural criticism that feels less like a lecture and more like the best kind of dinner party conversation – the kind where someone's passionate defense of a forgotten gem makes you see it (and them) in a whole new light.

Because sometimes the most revealing cultural artifacts are hiding in plain sight, just waiting for someone to pay attention. Your paid membership can help me discover them. Now the specifics:

💌 Paid subscribers get:

  • Exclusive access to monthly curated watchlists that cut through the noise – no more doom-scrolling through Netflix at 9pm on a Tuesday.

  • Full access to longer lists and guides (free subscribers only get previews)

  • Comment access to my more personal posts

  • But more than that, you're supporting an independent writer trying to carve out a space for nuanced cultural commentary.

Subscribe to That Final Scene

The newsletter 20K+ monthly readers choose to talk about films. TFS connects cinema to the conversations that matter now. Weekly essays that make you the smartest voice in every party, plus monthly watchlists worth your time.


Ex-film marketer who believes films belong to everyone, not the discourse™. Founded That Final Scene to write about their endings, evolved to explore how cinema shapes the lives we live. Phantom Thread >>>>>